NutraHacker Testimonials

You can get a free Nutrahacker test, but I recommend paying for the fuller version, because the additional information is so useful. My Nutrahacker results actually save me money, enabling me to cut out unnecessary and wrong supplements, and to focus on those few that are truly helpful. This DNA view of which foods are good and bad for your unique needs is something you cannot figure out from trial and error or get from a food-allergy test. Thanks to the decoding of the human genome, we are fortunate to have this inner view of ourselves that was hidden from previous generations. Nutrahacker can help you feel better each day, and that is priceless.

Thank you very much for such helpful and interesting information. Please continue to keep me on your list for all future updates. Your Nutrahacker analysis changed my life, and I recommend it to lots of people. I never regretted a dime spent on it.

- Mary

I had chronic migraines, cold hands and feet, neuropathy in hands and feet and severe Brain Fog for years. However due to 23andMe along with the information about supplements from NutraHacker I have got off of numerous Rx and cured all of the above conditions. Dr., and Rx treated symptoms while conditions just got worse each year. Supplements and knowing what to avoid treated cured my conditions. Thanks to 23 and NutraHacker for changing my life. My doctors were astounded with my results!

- Roger Holland

Thanks so much!
And thank you for founding Nutrahacker.
Learning about my mutations has saved the day! And I'm taking many of the supplements you recommended and my doctor suggested and I'm feeling much better.

- Elizabeth F.

Wow. Thank you so much. I really really appreciate it. This is so very helpful...I am so excited...I really really can't thank you enough!!

- Christina Pond

Thank you so much for providing this service! You are a Godsend.

- M. Ruth

You provide an incredible resource for the public. Much appreciated.

- Christine D.

Btw, you guys have the best report format still! I was literally dying several years ago, drs couldn't do anymore, even specialists using experimental meds....23&me, your analysis report and then my using nutrients' etc saved my life and now I'm walking unassisted again, can drive again and am no longer dying. Great work you guys do!

- Yvonne M.

I went ahead and purchased the reports, and I am absolutely blown away by the information that I received.
I have had some health issues, and this explains so much - WHY, and gives me the tools to do something about it.
I am so excited to be able to purchase vitamins too that are customized for my specific needs. This is a great website that you have. Keep up the good work!

- Stephanie G.

Also, thank you for facilitating a wonderful, consumer-friendy website for emerging DNA research and ideas.
It's been an empowering tool to help me dig deeper and educate myself on health conditions and possible solutions.

- Dona C.

Thank you, so much, for your help. The information on NutraHacker has been the most helpful of all sites I've used. You are the best!!

- Julie B.

NutraHacker has proven for me to be the most accurate for immediate steps to take and love that some explanation is included. Been tracking my lab reports since 2009 and improvements began when started to slowly implement recommendations just from the free report! Time for the next step with the imputed report. May 5, 2020 labs were excellent!

- Elena R.

Your recent update picked up that I have "slow COMT," and that was quite a find, since I have clear symptoms for that, but previous genetic reports from other companies did not pick it up, I suppose because they did not test sufficient SNP's for it. So your recent update corroborates something I've been aware of for a long time, and it was excellent to get that confirmation.
Obviously you people know what you're doing when it comes to genes!

- Margaret B.

Thank you for this chart!
Very valuable!!

- Harry K.

NutraHacker has been a great help to me. The information you have sent has been invaluable.

- Sarah L.

It's always great getting word from you and to see how you're progressing with your research and subsequently resources for your customers!

- Clara V.

Just wanted to share w you a quick recent anecdote.
Greedy for better results, I added a supplement, Taurine, to my regimen, but didn’t vet it completely using my Imputed Mutation Report (it appears several times under Favor but only once under Avoid—and I missed the Avoid).
Turns out it really backfired and made me quite sick but luckily I consulted the report again and I was able to do a U-turn.
Thank you for your extremely valuable work—it has helped me immensely.

- Sam M.

Amazing stuff you guys do. thank you...your information has blown my mind people need to know about this.

- Caroline D.

I’m eternally grateful for the work you are doing to improve health and life outcomes for all humanity. It’s brave, thankless, and will save us all. I’m looking into how I can support your efforts.

- Samantha E.

You guys are awesome! Will be recommending to everyone!!

- Matthew K.

Thank you so much for the info! I appreciate the response and thank you for the website in the first place. It’s so freeing to have more information.

- Emma S.

Awesome platform. Really helpful.

- Liam G.

THANK YOU SO MUCH, this is much better than the genie site that just says here you go with NO info.

- Beth L.

Thank you & thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering this service!! It’s incredible that I can get this info in just seconds at my home computer! I’ve been struggling all my life with mysterious illnesses & this is monumentally helpful!!!

- Alicia R.

Thank you so much! This shows me that you care about how the company treats its customers.

- Diana S.

Out of all the DNA reports I've received, NutraHacker's reports were by far my favorite and the most helpful. I especially appreciated your Supplement Visualization Tool. It aligned with things I already suspected about my body and I learned a few new things from the avoid list too.

- Carine R.

Thanks again for your help earlier! The WGS data has been helpful. I so appreciate the insight your service offers!

- Gabrielle M.

This is truly life-saving that you have the older version of 23andme uploaded to your site as it saves me having to wait many weeks going through more genetic testing when I'm in a life or death moment, so thank you! Grateful for your site and services and eagerly awaiting the imputed data when you have it.

- Laura J.

Thank you for your NutraHacker Free Methylation and Detox Report service. It helped me realize, after some disbelief and consequent suffering, I do have a sensitivity to methyl-B12 and not taking that has reduced my agitation and/or anxiety. Your hard work is bringing much healing to many I’m sure.

Thank you for your modest pricing and generous sales as it enables me and others to receive the benefits of genetic analysis we could not ordinarily afford since many of us with chronic diseases find it hard to earn a good income or receive only minimal disability payments. This shows your big heartedness.

- Thomas S.

Thank you, Mark for all your help. I was able to upload the file to Nutrahacker and did make a purchase. I am very impressed with your quick response to my questions and pleas for technical help. I really appreciate the good customer service!. my PCP here in Arizona is a big proponent of Nutrahacker, and said that she had good luck as well with getting technical assistance.

- Amelia T.

Mark, thank you so much for getting back to me with it. Best regards and good luck with the project! It's really fun and useful for people, so thanks for your work too.

- Leah E.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. Side note, I’m one of the unlucky ones to find out I had stage 4 young-onset colorectal cancer at age 40 with no family history (I’m doing well now). Your reports have already helped me understand so much in my healing journey, so I just wanted to say thank you!

- Haley A.

Upload raw microarray DNA data or upload Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data to get started with your free DNA raw data analysis today!