It is common to see some supplements both recommended as well as cautioned against. Conflicts happen because our software looks at each rsID individually and makes a recommendation just for that particular polymorphism. The human body is very complex and can have both positive and negative reactions to different compounds. Each conflict needs to be assessed on a personal basis--possibly the correct course of action will be apparent from the biochemistry of the genes involved, or you may need to rely on trial-and-error. Two examples that appear often are curcumin and methyl-B12.
Curcumin is a fascinating compound with many effects on the body. It has liver-protective effects, can be used to stimulate poorly functioning detoxification genes, and is neuroprotective. However, it inhibits MAO-A which can have negative effects on brain biochemistry, especially if you have a low-functioning form of MAO-A. In this case you might want to try curcumin for its health benefits but drop it if side-effects are noticeable.
If methyl-B12 is recommended as the optimal form of B12 but you have an adverse reaction to methyl donors, then hydroxy-B12 is probably a better choice. Some polymorphisms in COMT cause the enzyme to function at a decreased rate, which allows methyl-donating compounds to accumulate.
In general, NutraHacker supplement recommendations are meant to serve as a guideline or starting point for pinpointed health supplementation using your own genetics. Some conflicts are unavoidable, but that is because we are giving you the most in-depth look into your own personal genetics available to date!
A methyl donor is a molecule that has an available methyl group (-CH3) for reaction in the body. Methyl groups might be used to activate/inactivate compounds in the body, and affect things like liver detoxification, histamine, levels of brain neurotransmitters, and DNA expression. A couple examples of methyl donors as supplements are trimethylglycine, SAM-e, and methylcobalamin.
NutraHacker does not give dosage information for supplementation. This information is included on the supplement bottles which can vary depending on the form of the supplement and goals desired.
Please use the Report Center.
NutraHacker accepts the following two types of data:
For microarray data we are currently accepting 23andMe, AncestryDNA, tellmeGen, MyHeritage, GenomeItAll, MyHappyGenes, LifeDNA, FitnessGenes, or 4Gold files. To upload microarray data use the link below:
upload raw DNA data (microarray such as 23andMe)
For Whole Genome Sequencing data, we are accepting any files in BAM or CRAM format. Popular providers are Nebula Genomics, DanteLabs, Sequencing.com, Guardiome (privacy focused all-American), WeGene, YSeq, Sano Genetics, and Full Genomes. To upload WGS data please use the form accessible via the link below:
upload Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) raw data
If you would like another data source to be considered for uploading to NutraHacker, please send an email to info [at] nutrahacker.com with your raw data file from the company in question.
Please see our step-by-step instructions on How to Download Nebula Genomics Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) Raw Data.
Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data in BAM or CRAM format with at least 30x coverage for accurate results.
Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) files are not sufficient for creating this panel.
One of the most reliable providers of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) sequencing kits to date is Nebula Genomics (their Deep kit). Once you have your raw WGS data file, please get started by submitting the form on the page below:
Upload raw WGS data
If you have microarray data, please get started by uploading your raw data on the page linked below:
upload your raw 23andMe, AncestryDNA, tellmeGen, MyHeritage, Genomeitall, MyHappyGenes, LifeDNA or FitnessGenes file.
After filling out the questionnaire, you will be able to purchase all available products.
If you have Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data, please get started by uploading your raw WGS BAM or CRAM (preferably 30x+ coverage) on the page below:
upload raw WGS BAM/CRAM data.
No. All purchases of NutraHacker products are lifetime purchases and therefore automatically include all future updates at no extra cost. Users are notified via email of product updates.
After downloading your file (~400MB), take the following steps to access your data:
For an overview of the .vcf (Variant Call Format) file format, click here
The imputed genome file available after completing your questionnaire is the result of running the Beagle genotype imputation algorithm on uploaded data. The result is an expanded and estimated version of your raw data file to approximately 30 million locations.
Due to the threshold effect, mitochondria don't typically show negative health effects until 25% of the mitochondrial genome is mutated (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12467494). We have many mitochondria per cell and they have a high mutation rate so while snp analysis in mitochondria is useful for geographic and historical analysis, we feel analysis for overall health purposes has limited benefits.
RSID: Reference SNP cluster ID (this number denotes a unique polymorphism in the genome, think of it as the 'address' where you look up the alleles you are interested in).
EXPECTED: This is the more beneficial version of a polymorphism. Usually this is the more common type, but sometimes the less prevalent version actually has a better function.
GENOTYPE: Your actual alleles compared to the expected. Since we have two copies of genes, you get two alleles- unless you are a male and the gene is on the Y chromosome.
RISK: The deviation from expected. Yellow (1/2), also known as heterozygous, means you have one 'normal' copy of an allele and one altered version. Red (2/2 or 1/1) is homozygous meaning no 'normal' copy exists. These of course are more serious!
GENOTYPE FREQUENCY: The prevalence of your genotype, or combination of alleles, in the population. It's interesting to compare and see how many others are like you, isn't it?
That is correct, this report is just for the chance of Celiac which in this case is unlikely. It doesn't cover other causes for gluten sensitivity. Please see Celiac.org for more info regarding gluten sensitivity.
Think of this report as more of a tool than something which spells out exactly what you should do. The first suggestion is to pull
up the dynamic graphs (the bar charts), select your ethnicity, and then select "All treatments with predictions." The predictions are
used to make a judgement call when your variant is heterozygous. From the formed chart, you look for meds which have the
highest green bar to lowest red bar (green is a gene with a positive response and red is a decreased response). You will have a
few that pop up as good options, and you can look overall at what classes those are in, and if they are in different classes you can
decide which class of antidepressant looks good.
If you want to get into the research, or are working with a doctor who wants to see it, you can bring up the dynamic table and
search by any variable you want, such as for the specific med. That will bring up the data, responses, and research so you can see
how the information was collected.
Please send us an email at info at nutrahacker dot com and we will provide you with your raw data from 23andMe.
The following 32 conditions are included, with a valid answer being either Yes/No/Unsure or Decline to State:
For step-by-step instructions from Ancestry.com please click here.
For step-by-step instructions from 23andMe.com please click here.
The data from Genes for Good does not have enough overlap with our system so we do not process this data source.
To "whitelist" an email address is to specifiy explicitly that you want to receive email from that address. See how to setup a "whitelist" in Gmail.