Yohimbine - NutraPedia

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Yohimbine: An Overview

1. Conditions Studied for Yohimbine Use

Yohimbine has been studied for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Sexual dysfunction in men and women
  • Depression
  • Weight loss and obesity
  • Performance anxiety
  • Orthostatic hypotension (a form of low blood pressure)

2. Efficacy in Treating Conditions

While yohimbine has been used for various conditions, its efficacy varies:

  • Erectile Dysfunction: Some studies suggest yohimbine might improve ED in some men, particularly when psychological factors are involved.
  • Sexual Dysfunction: Limited evidence indicates potential benefits for both men and women, but more research is needed.
  • Depression: There is insufficient evidence to support yohimbine's use in treating depression.
  • Weight Loss: Yohimbine may have a minor impact on fat loss in athletes, but its effectiveness for general weight loss is not well-established.
  • Performance Anxiety: There is minimal research to support the use of yohimbine for performance anxiety.
  • Orthostatic Hypotension: It may help alleviate symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, but again, more research is necessary.

3. Health Benefits of Yohimbine

Yohimbine's potential health benefits may include:

  • Improving sexual performance and libido
  • Assisting in fat loss for athletes
  • Alleviating symptoms of orthostatic hypotension
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of other medications for ED

4. Downsides of Yohimbine

Despite its potential benefits, yohimbine has several downsides:

  • It can cause various side effects, including anxiety, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, irritability, and insomnia.
  • Yohimbine might interact with certain medications, such as antidepressants, and can exacerbate conditions like anxiety disorders.
  • Due to its stimulant properties, it may not be suitable for people with heart disease, kidney disease, or liver problems.
  • The quality and dosage of yohimbine supplements can vary, leading to potential health risks.

5. Yohimbine and Genetic Variations

Research on yohimbine and genetic variations is limited. However, some individuals may metabolize yohimbine differently due to genetic differences:

  • Genetic variations in liver enzymes, particularly those in the cytochrome P450 family, could affect the metabolism of yohimbine, influencing its effectiveness and risk of side effects.
  • Individuals with certain genetic predispositions may be more susceptible to the side effects of yohimbine, such as those affecting blood pressure and anxiety.
  • More research is needed to fully understand the relationship between yohimbine and specific genetic variations.

Yohimbine Research Summary

Yohimbine, an alpha 2 adrenergic receptor antagonist, has been the subject of various studies investigating its pharmacokinetics, effects on the sympathetic nervous system, and potential therapeutic applications.

Pharmacokinetics and Sympathetic Nervous System Effects

Research has shown that yohimbine is rapidly distributed within the body, primarily metabolized by the liver, and increases plasma noradrenaline levels, suggesting a complex interaction with the nervous system.

Fat Breakdown and Weight Management

Studies indicate that yohimbine may promote fat breakdown and heat production, potentially aiding weight management strategies. It has been observed to increase plasma levels of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) and noradrenaline without notably affecting heart rate, blood pressure, or insulin secretion.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Yohimbine has been used to treat male erectile dysfunction (ED) with modest standalone effectiveness, but may have enhanced effects when combined with agents that increase nitric oxide release. It is also a potential initial pharmacological option for ED, especially in diabetic patients.

Effects on Athletic Performance and Obesity

In athletes, yohimbine supplementation has led to a reduction in body fat percentage without significant changes in muscle mass or athletic performance. Additionally, yohimbine may assist in weight loss when combined with a low-energy diet.

Anxiety and Fear Extinction

Yohimbine hydrochloride has shown potential in enhancing the effectiveness of exposure therapy for claustrophobia and other anxiety disorders.

Cardiovascular Applications

Yohimbine has proven more effective than pyridostigmine in treating orthostatic hypotension in patients with autonomic failure by increasing blood pressure and improving symptoms.

Safety and Toxicity Concerns

Despite its therapeutic potential, there are concerns about the safety and toxicity of yohimbine, especially regarding inaccurate labeling and the presence of synthetic forms in supplements. A significant increase in adverse drug events associated with yohimbine has been reported, warranting closer examination by health authorities.


Overall, yohimbine exhibits a range of physiological effects, including increased noradrenaline and NEFA levels, potential benefits in ED treatment, and possible weight loss enhancement. However, its use must be carefully considered due to variability in drug content, potential side effects, and the risk of adverse events.


  1. Yohimbine pharmacokinetics and interaction with the sympathetic nervous system in normal volunteers
  2. Alpha-2 adrenoceptors in lipolysis: alpha 2 antagonists and lipid-mobilizing strategies
  3. Yohimbine: a clinical review
  4. Effect of anti-obesity drugs promoting energy expenditure, yohimbine and ephedrine, on gastric emptying in obese patients
  5. Does yohimbine act as a slimming drug?
  6. Yohimbine: the effects on body composition and exercise performance in soccer players
  7. Regional fat loss from the thigh in obese women after adrenergic modulation
  8. Facilitation of fear extinction in phobic participants with a novel cognitive enhancer: a randomized placebo controlled trial of yohimbine augmentation
  9. Does yohimbine hydrochloride facilitate fear extinction in virtual reality treatment of fear of flying? A randomized placebo-controlled trial
  10. Comparative efficacy of yohimbine against pyridostigmine for the treatment of orthostatic hypotension in autonomic failure
  11. Natural aphrodisiacs
  12. Yohimbine for erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
  13. Yohimbine as a treatment for erectile dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  14. Yohimbine enhances the effect of sildenafil on erectile process in rats
  15. Yohimbine use for physical enhancement and its potential toxicity
  16. Adverse drug events associated with yohimbine-containing products: a retrospective review of the California Poison Control System reported cases
  17. The severity of toxic reactions to ephedra: comparisons to other botanical products and national trends from 1993-2002
  18. Pharmaceutical quantities of yohimbine found in dietary supplements in the USA
  19. Effects of yohimbine on human sympathetic nervous system function
  20. Yohimbine treatment of organic erectile dysfunction in a dose-escalation trial

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