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Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid (TUDCA) Overview

1) Conditions Studied for TUDCA

TUDCA has been explored for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Cholestatic liver diseases, such as primary biliary cirrhosis
  • Neurodegenerative diseases, including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington's disease
  • Certain eye disorders like retinitis pigmentosa
  • Gallstone prevention
  • Diabetes and obesity-related conditions
  • Protection of neurons in ischemic stroke

2) Efficacy of TUDCA in Treating Conditions

Research has shown TUDCA to be potentially effective in:

  • Improving liver function in cholestatic liver diseases
  • Providing neuroprotective effects in some neurodegenerative conditions
  • Decreasing retinal degeneration in eye disorders

However, more research is needed to conclusively determine its efficacy for all the conditions mentioned.

3) Health Benefits of TUDCA

  • May improve bile flow and reduce liver enzymes in liver diseases
  • Potential to slow down cell death in neurodegenerative diseases
  • Could assist in blood sugar regulation and improve insulin sensitivity
  • Might reduce inflammation and oxidative stress
  • May support digestive health by promoting a healthy microbiome

4) Downsides of TUDCA

Although TUDCA is generally considered safe, some potential downsides include:

  • Mild gastrointestinal discomfort or diarrhea
  • Potential interaction with other medications
  • Insufficient research on long-term effects
  • Not regulated by the FDA as a therapeutic drug

5) Genetic Variations and TUDCA

There is limited research regarding TUDCA's effects on specific genetic variations. However, certain genetic mutations can affect bile acid metabolism, and TUDCA could potentially be beneficial in these cases:

  • People with genetic mutations affecting bile acid synthesis may benefit from TUDCA supplementation
  • More research is needed to understand its interactions with other genetic variations

Individuals considering TUDCA supplementation should consult with a healthcare provider, especially if there are known genetic concerns.

Research Summary on Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid (TUDCA)


Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) is a bile acid that has been the subject of numerous studies due to its potential therapeutic properties. It has been investigated for its role in various physiological mechanisms and potential treatment for several diseases.

Protective Effects in Cellular Stress and Disease

  • TUDCA has been shown to disrupt a harmful cycle between oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in beta cell dysfunction, which is mediated by mitochondrial superoxide. It offers potential therapeutic strategies for preserving beta cell function in type 2 diabetes.
  • It has demonstrated neuroprotective effects by improving the survival and function of neural grafts in a rat model of Parkinson's disease, suggesting it could be a potential therapeutic strategy for the condition.
  • TUDCA's protective effects include preventing mitochondrial damage and reducing steatosis (fat accumulation) caused by ethanol in liver cells, highlighting its potency in reversing ethanol-induced cellular injuries.
  • In obese mice, treatment with TUDCA led to increased adiponectin levels, countering the reduction of adiponectin levels due to obesity and ER stress, showcasing its role in maintaining adiponectin levels during obesity.
  • The bile acid has been found to protect kidneys from ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury by inhibiting ER stress-related pathways.

Effects on Metabolism and Liver Function

  • TUDCA treatment in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis resulted in a more pronounced shift toward a hydrophilic bile acid pool, likely due to reduced intestinal biotransformation of TUDCA.
  • It has been shown to be effective in increasing bile acid levels in the brain, improving neurological function, and reducing the size of brain infarcts in rat models of stroke.
  • The bile acid can also inhibit the proliferation of non-cancerous intestinal cells by causing prolonged ERK1 kinase phosphorylation, which slows the cell cycle and decreases Irs-1 protein levels, suggesting new targets for cancer chemoprevention.

Therapeutic Potential

TUDCA holds potential as a therapeutic agent in a variety of contexts, including diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, liver diseases, and cancer. Its ability to modulate apoptosis, reduce ER stress, and protect cells from oxidative damage makes it a promising candidate for further clinical research and development.

Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA) Overview

1. Conditions Studied for UDCA Treatment

UDCA has been studied for the treatment of various liver conditions, including primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), gallstones, primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It has also been explored for its potential benefits in cystic fibrosis-related liver disorders.

2. Efficacy of UDCA in Treating Conditions

UDCA has been proven effective in improving liver function tests and slowing the progression of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and in some cases, dissolving gallstones made of cholesterol. However, its efficacy in primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) remains controversial and subject to ongoing research.

3. Health Benefits of UDCA

Beyond its liver-protective effects, UDCA may help reduce cholesterol levels by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and dissolving cholesterol gallstones. It may also have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, though these benefits require further study for conclusive evidence.

4. Downsides of UDCA

While UDCA is generally well-tolerated, it can cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and weight gain. In rare cases, it may exacerbate liver disease, especially at high doses or in certain conditions like advanced PSC. Long-term effects and safety profiles are still under investigation.

5. UDCA's Impact on Genetic Variations

Research indicates that genetic variations may influence an individual's response to UDCA treatment, particularly in conditions like primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). Certain genetic markers may predict treatment response or risk of adverse effects, suggesting personalized medicine approaches could optimize UDCA therapy outcomes.

Research Summary on Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA)

UDCA and Beta Cell Function in Rats

UDCA, as tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), was found to protect against beta cell dysfunction induced by high glucose levels in rats. It demonstrated similar protective effects as tempol (TPO) and 4-phenylbutyrate (PBA), reducing ER stress markers and preserving beta cell function.

UDCA in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

While UDCA and its chemical chaperones reduced ER stress markers in a methionine- and choline-deficient (MCD) diet-induced NASH model in mice, they did not improve liver steatosis, inflammation, or fibrosis, suggesting ER stress may not be central in MCD diet-induced NASH pathogenesis.

UDCA as a Chemopreventive Agent

UDCA was shown to inhibit cell proliferation in the intestines by causing prolonged ERK1 kinase phosphorylation, indicating its potential as a chemopreventive agent against colon cancer.

UDCA in Energy Metabolism

Bile acids, including UDCA, act as signaling molecules, affecting energy metabolism by increasing energy expenditure in tissues, indicating potential targets for metabolic control improvement.

UDCA in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)

Ursodeoxycholic acid is the most researched treatment for PSC, with preliminary studies suggesting benefits, but further research is needed to confirm efficacy.

UDCA and TUDCA in Ethanol-Induced Liver Cell Damage

Both TUDCA and UDCA can protect liver cells from ethanol-induced damage, with TUDCA being particularly potent in reversing ethanol-induced cellular injuries.

UDCA in Parkinson's Disease

TUDCA improved the survival and function of neural grafts in a rat model of Parkinson's disease, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic strategy.

UDCA in Gallstone Disease

UDCA is used for the medical dissolution of cholesterol gallstones, promoting bile desaturation and elimination in a stable form, with minimal side effects.


  1. Glucose-induced beta cell dysfunction in vivo in rats: link between oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress
  2. Reducing endoplasmic reticulum stress does not improve steatohepatitis in mice fed a methionine- and choline-deficient diet
  3. UDCA slows down intestinal cell proliferation by inducing high and sustained ERK phosphorylation
  4. Bile acids induce energy expenditure by promoting intracellular thyroid hormone activation
  5. Ubiquitination-induced conformational change within the deiodinase dimer is a switch regulating enzyme activity
  6. An update on primary sclerosing cholangitis
  7. Lipid-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress in liver cells results in two distinct outcomes: adaptation with enhanced insulin signaling or insulin resistance
  8. DsbA-L alleviates endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced adiponectin downregulation
  9. Effect of tauroursodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acid on ethanol-induced cell injuries in the human Hep G2 cell line
  10. Ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of primary sclerosing cholangitis: a 30-month pilot study
  11. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid improves the survival and function of nigral transplants in a rat model of Parkinson's disease
  12. Factors associated with gallstone disease in the MICOL experience. Multicenter Italian Study on Epidemiology of Cholelithiasis
  13. Treatment of cholesterol gallstones with litholytic bile acids
  14. Influence of hydroxylation and conjugation of bile salts on their membrane-damaging properties--studies on isolated hepatocytes and lipid membrane vesicles
  15. Metabolism of orally administered tauroursodeoxycholic acid in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis
  16. Liver cell membrane solubilization may control maximum secretory rate of cholic acid in the rat
  17. Ursodeoxycholic acid for treatment of primary sclerosing cholangitis: a placebo-controlled trial
  18. Conjugation is rate limiting in hepatic transport of ursodeoxycholate in the rat
  19. Coupling of stress in the ER to activation of JNK protein kinases by transmembrane protein kinase IRE1
  20. Membrane structural changes support the involvement of mitochondria in the bile salt-induced apoptosis of rat hepatocytes
  21. One-year pilot study on tauroursodeoxycholic acid as an adjuvant treatment after liver transplantation
  22. Chronic inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation prevents ischaemia-induced vascular pathology in type II diabetic mice
  23. Does tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) treatment increase hepatocyte proliferation in patients with chronic liver disease?
  24. Competition in liver transport between chenodeoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid as a mechanism for ursodeoxycholic acid and its amidates' protection of liver damage induced by chenodeoxycholic acid
  25. Epidemiology and natural history of gallstone disease
  26. The chemical chaperones tauroursodeoxycholic and 4-phenylbutyric acid accelerate thyroid hormone activation and energy expenditure
  27. High-dose ursodeoxycholic acid in the treatment of primary sclerosing cholangitis: throwing the urso out with the bathwater?
  28. Inhibition of the E2F-1/p53/Bax pathway by tauroursodeoxycholic acid in amyloid beta-peptide-induced apoptosis of PC12 cells
  29. The nephroprotective effect of tauroursodeoxycholic acid on ischaemia/reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress
  30. Chemical chaperones reduce ER stress and restore glucose homeostasis in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes
  31. Neuroprotection by a bile acid in an acute stroke model in the rat
  32. Endoplasmic reticulum stress links obesity, insulin action, and type 2 diabetes
  33. Increasing ursodeoxycholic acid in the enterohepatic circulation of pigs through the administration of living bacteria
  34. Cellular mechanisms of cholestasis
  35. Endoplasmic reticulum stress is a mediator of posttransplant injury in severely steatotic liver allografts
  36. Plasma bile acids are not associated with energy metabolism in humans
  37. Plasma bile acids are associated with energy expenditure and thyroid function in humans
  38. Pharmacological treatment of gallstones. Practical guidelines
  39. Effects of prolonged glucose infusion on insulin secretion, clearance, and action in normal subjects
  40. Apoptosis in transgenic mice expressing the P301L mutated form of human tau
  41. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid reduces apoptosis and protects against neurological injury after acute hemorrhagic stroke in rats
  42. Gallstone opacification during cholelitholytic treatment
  43. A central role for JNK in obesity and insulin resistance
  44. Bile acid-induced liver toxicity: relation to the hydrophobic-hydrophilic balance of bile acids
  45. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid partially prevents apoptosis induced by 3-nitropropionic acid: evidence for a mitochondrial pathway independent of the permeability transition
  46. Ca2+-dependent cytoprotective effects of ursodeoxycholic and tauroursodeoxycholic acid on the biliary epithelium in a rat model of cholestasis and loss of bile ducts
  47. Bilirubin and amyloid-beta peptide induce cytochrome c release through mitochondrial membrane permeabilization
  48. A bile acid protects against motor and cognitive deficits and reduces striatal degeneration in the 3-nitropropionic acid model of Huntington's disease
  49. Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid may improve liver and muscle but not adipose tissue insulin sensitivity in obese men and women
  50. Medicinal treatments of cholesterol gallstones: old, current and new perspectives
  51. High-dose ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of primary sclerosing cholangitis
  52. Acquired gallstone opacification during cholelitholytic treatment with chenodeoxyholic, ursodeoxycholic, and tauroursodeoxycholic acids
  53. In vivo protection of the pig liver against ischemia/reperfusion injury by tauroursodeoxycholate
  54. Endoplasmic reticulum stress inhibition protects steatotic and non-steatotic livers in partial hepatectomy under ischemia-reperfusion
  55. TUDCA and UDCA are incorporated into hepatocyte membranes: different sites, but similar effects
  56. Protective role of tauroursodeoxycholate during harvesting and cold storage of human liver: a pilot study in transplant recipients
  57. Differences in the metabolism and disposition of ursodeoxycholic acid and of its taurine-conjugated species in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis
  58. Maintenance of hepatic bile acid secretion rate during overnight fasting by bedtime bile acid administration
  59. Ursodeoxycholic acid treatment of cholesterol gallstone disease
  60. The ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway as a master regulator of the G1- to S-phase transition
  61. Amyloid beta-peptide disrupts mitochondrial membrane lipid and protein structure: protective role of tauroursodeoxycholate
  62. Toxicity of ethanol and acetaldehyde in hepatocytes treated with ursodeoxycholic or tauroursodeoxycholic acid
  63. Similar patterns of mitochondrial vulnerability and rescue induced by genetic modification of alpha-synuclein, parkin, and DJ-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans
  64. Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on liver and bile duct disease in primary sclerosing cholangitis. A 3-year pilot study with a placebo-controlled study period
  65. Ursodeoxycholic acid inhibits the proliferation of colon cancer cells by regulating oxidative stress and cancer stem-like cell growth
  66. Intracellular signaling by the unfolded protein response
  67. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid modulates p53-mediated apoptosis in Alzheimer's disease mutant neuroblastoma cells
  68. Reduction of endoplasmic reticulum stress using chemical chaperones or Grp78 overexpression does not protect muscle cells from palmitate-induced insulin resistance
  69. Gallstone dissolution rate during chenic acid therapy. Effect of bedtime administration plus low cholesterol diet
  70. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid, a bile acid, is neuroprotective in a transgenic animal model of Huntington's disease
  71. Bile acids: regulation of apoptosis by ursodeoxycholic acid
  72. Selenomethionine induces sustained ERK phosphorylation leading to cell-cycle arrest in human colon cancer cells
  73. Intestinal absorption and biliary secretion of ursodeoxycholic acid and its taurine conjugate
  74. The Unexpected Uses of Urso- and Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid in the Treatment of Non-liver Diseases
  75. Effect of tauroursodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acid on ethanol-induced cell injuries in the human Hep G2 cell line
  76. Efficacy and safety of tauroursodeoxycholic acid in the treatment of liver cirrhosis: a double-blind randomized controlled trial
  77. Comparative Analysis of Urso- and Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid Neuroprotective Effects on Retinal Degeneration Models
  78. Bile acids: regulation of apoptosis by ursodeoxycholic acid
  79. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid reduces damaging effects of taurodeoxycholic acid on fundus gastric mucosa
  80. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial comparing the efficacy and safety of TUDCA and UDCA in Chinese patients with primary biliary cholangitis
  81. Oxidative stress mediates ethanol-induced skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction and dysregulated protein synthesis and autophagy
  82. Beneficial effects of UDCA and norUDCA in a rodent model of steatosis are linked to modulation of GPBAR1/FXR signaling
  83. Coenzyme Q 10 supplementation: A potential therapeutic option for the treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
  84. From dried bear bile to molecular investigation: A systematic review of the effect of bile acids on cell apoptosis, oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, across pre-clinical models of neurological, neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders
  85. The Taurine-Conjugated Bile Acid (TUDCA) Normalizes Insulin Secretion in Pancreatic β-Cells Exposed to Fatty Acids: The Role of Mitochondrial Metabolism
  86. Hepatoprotection in ethinylestradiol-treated rats is provided by tauroursodeoxycholic acid, but not by ursodeoxycholic acid
  87. Conjugation is essential for the anticholestatic effect of NorUrsodeoxycholic acid in taurolithocholic acid-induced cholestasis in rat liver
  88. The bile acid TUDCA and neurodegenerative disorders: An overview
  89. Ursodeoxycholic Acid May Inhibit Environmental Aging-Associated Hyperpigmentation
  90. Bile Acids Reduce Prion Conversion, Reduce Neuronal Loss, and Prolong Male Survival in Models of Prion Disease
  91. Supplementation of ursodeoxycholic acid improves fat digestion and absorption in cystic fibrosis patients with mild liver involvement
  92. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid protects rat hepatocytes from bile acid-induced apoptosis via activation of survival pathways
  93. Ursodeoxycholic acid treatment of vanishing bile duct syndromes

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