Sunifiram - NutraPedia

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Sunifiram Overview

1) Conditions Studied for Treatment with Sunifiram

Sunifiram, an experimental drug, has been studied in the context of enhancing cognitive function and treating memory impairments. Research has primarily focused on its potential as a nootropic to improve learning and memory.

2) Efficacy in Treating Those Conditions

There is limited scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of Sunifiram in treating cognitive conditions in humans. While some preclinical studies have suggested potential cognitive enhancement effects, clinical trials are necessary to establish its efficacy and safety for treating such conditions.

3) Health Benefits of Sunifiram

  • Potential to enhance cognitive function
  • May improve memory and learning abilities
  • Could potentially act as a neuroprotective agent

4) Downsides of Sunifiram

  • Lack of comprehensive clinical trials to determine safety and side effects
  • Potential for unknown long-term health impacts
  • Not approved by regulatory agencies for medical use
  • Risks associated with off-label use or self-medication

5) Genetic Variations and Sunifiram

Currently, there is no substantial evidence linking Sunifiram's effects to specific genetic variations. As it has not undergone extensive clinical testing, its interaction with various genetic profiles remains unexplored. Caution is advised until more research is conducted.

Research Summary on Sunifiram and Related Cognitive Enhancers

Studies on the cognitive enhancer sunifiram (DM235) and related compounds suggest that modifications to the 2-pyrrolidinone part of piracetam derivatives, creating corresponding amide derivatives, do not affect their cognitive enhancement effects. New piperidine and piperazine-based derivatives related to sunifiram and sapunifiram were tested using mouse passive-avoidance tests, showing cognitive enhancement at doses between 0.3 to 10 mg/kg without surpassing the original substances' activity.

The effects of nefiracetam were investigated for its role in synaptic plasticity, particularly its impact on long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus. The findings indicate nefiracetam enhances synaptic transmission through CaMKII activation and increases NMDA receptor-mediated responses, contributing to its cognitive-enhancing effects.

Research on DM232 (unifiram) and DM235 (sunifiram) shows they counteract memory loss by interacting with AMPA receptors, leading to cognitive function enhancement. Sunifiram also ameliorates memory deficits and impaired LTP in mice with olfactory bulbectomy (OBX), a model resembling Alzheimer's disease symptoms, by stimulating the glycine-binding site of NMDA receptors.

A study on a novel cognitive enhancer, ZSET1446/ST101, reveals its potential in treating depression. Chronic administration of ZSET1446 to OBX mice improved neurogenesis, cognitive performance, and reduced depressive behaviors, possibly through nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Further, sunifiram's effects on synaptic function in the hippocampal CA1 region were studied. Sunifiram enhanced NMDAR-dependent LTP by increasing the phosphorylation of AMPA and NMDA receptors, mediated through CaMKII and PKCα activation.

In conclusion, sunifiram and its derivatives represent a promising class of nootropic drugs capable of enhancing cognitive function with a high potency and good safety profile. They have been shown to prevent memory deficits in various animal models without impairing motor coordination or exploratory behavior.


  1. 2-pyrrolidinone moiety is not critical for the cognition-enhancing activity of piracetam-like drugs
  2. Design, synthesis and preliminary pharmacological evaluation of new piperidine and piperazine derivatives as cognition-enhancers
  3. CaM kinase II and protein kinase C activations mediate enhancement of long-term potentiation by nefiracetam in the rat hippocampal CA1 region
  4. AMPA-receptor activation is involved in the antiamnesic effect of DM 232 (unifiram) and DM 235 (sunifiram)
  5. A novel cognitive enhancer, ZSET1446/ST101, promotes hippocampal neurogenesis and ameliorates depressive behavior in olfactory bulbectomized mice
  6. Novel nootropic drug sunifiram improves cognitive deficits via CaM kinase II and protein kinase C activation in olfactory bulbectomized mice
  7. Design, synthesis and nootropic activity of new analogues of sunifiram and sapunifiram, two potent cognition-enhancers
  8. Molecular simplification of 1,4-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-9-ones gives piperazine derivatives that maintain high nootropic activity
  9. Novel nootropic drug sunifiram enhances hippocampal synaptic efficacy via glycine-binding site of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor
  10. DM235 (sunifiram): a novel nootropic with potential as a cognitive enhancer

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