Pedalium Murex - NutraPedia

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Pedalium Murex: An Overview of Its Potential Health Implications

1) Conditions Studied

Pedalium Murex has been studied for various conditions, mainly within the realm of traditional medicine. Research primarily focuses on its potential for treating conditions such as sexual dysfunction, urinary tract disorders, and kidney issues. Additionally, it has been investigated for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which could benefit a variety of inflammatory diseases.

2) Efficacy in Treating Conditions

The effectiveness of Pedalium Murex in treating specific conditions is still under research, with some studies showing positive results while others are inconclusive. For example, in the treatment of sexual dysfunction, some evidence suggests that it may improve symptoms. However, the evidence is not robust enough to make definitive claims, and more clinical trials are needed to determine its efficacy.

3) Health Benefits

The health benefits of Pedalium Murex include its use as a diuretic, helping in the management of urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Its anti-inflammatory properties are also believed to aid in reducing pain and swelling. The plant has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac and is thought to have a positive effect on sexual health. Furthermore, it may have antioxidant properties, which are beneficial for overall wellness.

4) Potential Downsides

Although Pedalium Murex is considered safe when used in traditional medicine, there is a lack of comprehensive safety data from clinical trials. Potential downsides could include allergic reactions or adverse interactions with other medications when consumed in large amounts or without proper guidance. As with any supplement, it is crucial to consult a healthcare provider before use, especially for individuals with underlying health conditions.

5) Genetic Variations and Impact

There is limited research on the interaction of Pedalium Murex with specific genetic variations. However, individual responses to herbal supplements can vary due to genetic differences. As such, some genetic variations could theoretically influence how one metabolizes or responds to the active compounds in Pedalium Murex. More research is necessary to understand these relationships fully and to identify if there are specific genetic profiles that would benefit more or be at risk from its use.

Pedalium Murex Research Summary

Traditional Uses and Ethnopharmacology

Pedalium murex, a shrub found in India and Ceylon, is traditionally used in Indian medicine to treat various ailments such as coughs, colds, reproductive and urinary disorders, and as an antiseptic. It is known for its efficacy in treating impotence, nocturnal emissions, gonorrhea, and leucorrhoea, as well as gastrointestinal issues.

Phytochemical Properties

Pedalium murex contains diosgenin, vanillin, isatin alkaloids, quercetin, ursolic acid, caffeic acid, amino acids, and fatty acids. These compounds contribute to its antiulcerogenic, nephroprotective, hypolipidemic, aphrodisiac, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and insecticidal properties.

Aphrodisiac and Testosterone Enhancing Effects

A study on male rats demonstrated that ethanolic extract of P. murex fruits significantly improved sexual behaviors and increased serum testosterone levels, comparable to the effects of sildenafil citrate (Viagra).

Antiulcer Effects

Research on rats indicated that an aqueous extract from Pedalium murex leaves could mitigate ethanol-induced gastric damage and increase glutathione levels, suggesting its potential as an antiulcer agent.

Urolithiasis Treatment Potential

An ethanolic fruit extract from Pedalium murex was found to protect liver and kidney tissues from ethylene glycol-induced urolithiasis (kidney stones) in rats, pointing to its therapeutic potential.

Conservation of Medicinal Knowledge

Documentation of traditional medicinal plant usage, such as that of Pedalium murex in the Sariska region of Rajasthan, India, is vital for the conservation of these species and may offer new pharmacological insights for healthcare.

Authentication in Ayurveda

Pharmacognostical studies aim to reduce the substitution of genuine Tribulus terrestris fruits with those of Pedalium murex by documenting distinct morphological and microscopic features.


  1. Herbal remedies of street vendors for some urino-genital diseases
  2. A comparative study of ethanolic extracts of Pedalium murex Linn. fruits and sildenafil citrate on sexual behaviors and serum testosterone level in male rats during and after treatment
  3. Pedalium murex Linn.: an overview of its phytopharmacological aspects
  4. Ethno-veterinary uses and informants consensus factor of medicinal plants of Sariska region, Rajasthan, India
  5. Identification of fruits of Tribulus terrestris Linn. and Pedalium murex Linn.: A pharmacognostical approach
  6. Scrutinizing the aqueous extract of leaves of pedalium murex for the antiulcer activity in rats

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