Fisetin - NutraPedia

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Fisetin: An Overview

1. Studied Conditions

Fisetin has been studied for a range of conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
  • Cancers, due to its potential anti-tumorigenic properties
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Diabetes, by potentially reducing blood sugar levels
  • Oxidative stress and associated disorders
  • Senescence, the process of cellular aging

2. Efficacy in Treating Conditions

Current research on fisetin is promising but still in the early stages. While laboratory and animal studies have shown some potential benefits, there is a lack of extensive clinical trials to conclusively determine its effectiveness in treating the aforementioned conditions in humans.

3. Health Benefits

Fisetin is believed to offer several health benefits, including:

  • Antioxidant activity, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Enhancing brain health and function
  • Potential to slow down aging processes
  • May improve longevity
  • Potential neuroprotective effects
  • May help in the prevention of certain cancers

4. Downsides

As with any supplement, fisetin may have downsides, including:

  • Potential side effects, which have not been thoroughly studied in humans
  • Interactions with other medications, which are not yet fully understood
  • Lack of regulation, as dietary supplements are not as strictly monitored as pharmaceuticals
  • Potential for overconsumption, especially since the optimal dosage for humans is not established

5. Genetic Variations

There is limited research on the interaction between fisetin and specific genetic variations. However, it is known that individual genetic makeup can affect the metabolism and effectiveness of various compounds. Therefore, fisetin may be more beneficial or harmful for people with certain genetic polymorphisms, but more research is needed to identify these variations and their impacts.

Research Summary on Fisetin

Fisetin and Cellular Aging: Studies have shown that fisetin, a flavonoid, decreases senescent cell markers in the brain and other organs in old sheep, suggesting its role in reducing cellular aging and potentially treating age-related diseases.

Neuroprotective Properties: Fisetin activates key signaling pathways in the brain, supporting long-term memory enhancement and neuroprotection, indicating potential benefits for memory disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.

Senolytic Potential: Fisetin is identified as a highly effective senotherapeutic compound, capable of selectively killing senescent cells in mice, improving health, and extending lifespan, with implications for human clinical studies.

Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Effects: The flavonoid modulates antioxidant enzyme levels and reduces inflammatory markers in several organs, showcasing its therapeutic potential against oxidative stress and inflammation.

Role in Bone Health: Fisetin has been seen to reduce bone density loss in mouse models of progeria, indicating its usefulness in addressing bone degeneration associated with aging.

Cancer Therapy: Research suggests a combined use of curcumin and flavonoids like fisetin and quercetin could serve as a potential anti-cancer therapy by inducing senescence in cancer cells and then selectively removing those cells.

Impact on Obesity: Fisetin inhibits key pathways involved in cell growth and lipid biosynthesis, contributing to reduced obesity in mice models.

Transition Metals and Neuroprotection: Fisetin's ability to chelate metals like iron and copper may enhance its neuroprotective effects in combating neurodegenerative diseases.

Fisetin Derivatives in Nerve Cell Development: Fisetin and related compounds support nerve cell growth and protection from oxidative stress through different mechanisms.

Enhancing Fisetin Bioavailability: Nanotechnology and structural modifications are being explored to improve fisetin's bioavailability for therapeutic use.

Senotherapeutic Strategies: Senolytics and senomorphics, including fisetin, target senescent cells to delay aging and treat age-related diseases, with clinical trials in progress.

Proteomic Analysis of Senescent Cells: Mass spectrometry-based proteomic technologies are critical for understanding the biology of senescent cells and developing targeted senotherapeutics.

Senolytics in Clinical Trials: Fisetin and other senolytics have entered clinical trials, showing potential in reducing senescent cell numbers and alleviating symptoms of age-related conditions.

Skin Rejuvenation: Fisetin effectively eliminates senescent skin cells, promoting skin rejuvenation by increasing collagen density and reducing inflammation.


  1. Effects of Fisetin Treatment on Cellular Senescence of Various Tissues and Organs of Old Sheep
  2. Neurodegenerative Proteinopathies Induced by Environmental Pollutants: Heat Shock Proteins and Proteasome as Promising Therapeutic Tools
  3. Specific Irreversible Cell-Cycle Arrest and Depletion of Cancer Cells Obtained by Combining Curcumin and the Flavonoids Quercetin and Fisetin
  4. Flavonoid fisetin promotes ERK-dependent long-term potentiation and enhances memory
  5. Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan
  6. Nrf2⁻ARE Signaling Acts as Master Pathway for the Cellular Antioxidant Activity of Fisetin
  7. The Senolytic Drug Fisetin Attenuates Bone Degeneration in the Zmpste24 -/- Progeria Mouse Model
  8. Cellular senescence: a key therapeutic target in aging and diseases
  9. Fisetin: a dietary antioxidant for health promotion
  10. Fisetin regulates obesity by targeting mTORC1 signaling
  11. Modulation of the Neuroprotective and Anti-inflammatory Activities of the Flavonol Fisetin by the Transition Metals Iron and Copper
  12. A comparison of the neurotrophic activities of the flavonoid fisetin and some of its derivatives
  13. Mitochondrial Aging and Senolytic Natural Products with Protective Potential
  14. Anti-aging: senolytics or gerostatics (unconventional view)
  15. Fisetin-In Search of Better Bioavailability-From Macro to Nano Modifications: A Review
  16. Targeting Cellular Senescence for Age-Related Diseases: Path to Clinical Translation
  17. The flavonoid fisetin promotes nerve cell survival from trophic factor withdrawal by enhancement of proteasome activity
  18. Modulation of multiple pathways involved in the maintenance of neuronal function during aging by fisetin
  19. Emerging use of senolytics and senomorphics against aging and chronic diseases
  20. The neuroprotective effects of fisetin, a natural flavonoid in neurodegenerative diseases: Focus on the role of oxidative stress
  21. Potential Role of Polyphenolic Flavonoids as Senotherapeutic Agents in Degenerative Diseases and Geroprotection
  22. Cellular senescence and frailty: a comprehensive insight into the causal links
  23. Harnessing the therapeutic potential of fisetin and its nanoparticles: Journey so far and road ahead
  24. The effects of fisetin on bone and cartilage: A systematic review
  25. Exploring the therapeutic potential of fisetin: a comprehensive study on its anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects
  26. The Neuroprotective Role of Fisetin in Different Neurological Diseases: a Systematic Review
  27. Senolytic Drugs: Reducing Senescent Cell Viability to Extend Health Span
  28. Fisetin as a Senotherapeutic Agent: Biopharmaceutical Properties and Crosstalk between Cell Senescence and Neuroprotection
  29. New agents that target senescent cells: the flavone, fisetin, and the BCL-XL inhibitors, A1331852 and A1155463
  30. Senolytics in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy
  31. Reduction of senescent fibro-adipogenic progenitors in progeria-aged muscle by senolytics rescues the function of muscle stem cells
  32. Translating Senotherapeutic Interventions into the Clinic with Emerging Proteomic Technologies
  33. Senolytic drugs: from discovery to translation
  34. Fisetin, a potential skin rejuvenation drug that eliminates senescent cells in the dermis

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