Dwarf Morning Glory - NutraPedia

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Dwarf Morning Glory (Convolvulus pluricaulis) Overview

1) Conditions Studied

Dwarf Morning Glory has been studied for various conditions, primarily in traditional medicine systems such as Ayurveda. It has been researched for its potential effects on:

  • Cognitive disorders and memory enhancement
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Neuroprotective activity
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Anti-inflammatory effects

2) Efficacy in Treating Conditions

While traditional usage suggests some benefits, scientific research is limited and not conclusive. Studies on animals have shown potential cognitive enhancement and anxiolytic effects, but human trials are scarce and thus it is difficult to determine its effectiveness in treating the aforementioned conditions.

3) Health Benefits

The health benefits of Dwarf Morning Glory, as suggested by preliminary research and traditional use, may include:

  • Improving cognitive function and memory
  • Reducing anxiety and stress
  • Neuroprotection from oxidative stress
  • Potential anti-inflammatory effects

4) Potential Downsides

As with many herbal remedies, there could be downsides, including:

  • Lack of comprehensive scientific studies to fully understand safety and potential side effects
  • Possible interactions with other medications
  • Variability in the potency and composition of herbal supplements
  • Risk of contamination with other herbs or substances

5) Genetic Variations and Impact

There is limited research on how Dwarf Morning Glory affects individuals with specific genetic variations. Some phytochemicals within plants can have different effects depending on an individual's genetic makeup, but without targeted studies, it is challenging to ascertain if Dwarf Morning Glory is particularly beneficial or harmful for certain genetic variations.

Please note: The information provided here is based on limited research and traditional usage. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or herbal supplement.

Dwarf Morning Glory (Evolvulus alsinoides) in Ayurvedic Medicine

General Overview: Dwarf Morning Glory, known as Shankhpushpi in Ayurvedic medicine, is recognized for its cognitive benefits, including memory enhancement and intellect improvement. Research identifies Shankhpushpi as one of four plants used in Ayurvedic remedies, the others being Convolvulus pluricaulis, Clitoria ternatea, and Canscora decussata.

Introduction to Evolvulus alsinoides: Evolvulus alsinoides (EA), also known as shankhapushpi or vishnukranti, is native to America but has been used in Asian traditional medicine since the 1500s or 1600s. Valued for its cultural significance and medicinal properties, EA possesses beneficial chemical constituents for treating various illnesses.

Phytochemistry and Bioactivity: Studies on EA's ethanolic extract reveal the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds like quercetin, suggesting strong antioxidant potential. These findings support the use of EA in preventing diseases and provide a biochemical marker for identification.

Adaptogenic and Anti-amnesic Effects: Research on rats shows that EA has significant adaptogenic effects, helping the body manage stress and reducing memory deficits. These properties confirm the traditional use of EA in Ayurvedic medicine for cognitive enhancement.

Usage Patterns and Ingredients in MVEMs: A study in Gujarat indicates high usage of memory and vitality-enhancing medicines (MVEMs) among young adults and professionals. Shankhpushpi (Evolvulus alsinoides) is a common ingredient in these polyherbal preparations.

Cognitive Benefits in Rodent Models: Shankhpushpi's potential cognitive benefits were investigated using a rat model, but the study found no significant impact on cognitive functions or seizure duration, suggesting that different extraction methods may yield different outcomes.

Anti-stress Compounds and Phenolic Glycosides: Research isolating natural compounds from EA found anti-stress effects in rats, with certain compounds normalizing stress-induced changes. The discovery of new phenolic glycosides evolvosides C, D, and E further demonstrated anti-stress properties.

Oxidative Stress and Alzheimer's Disease: EA extract was found to normalize oxidative changes in rats exposed to chronic stress and prevent cognitive impairment in another rat model, suggesting potential therapeutic applications for Alzheimer's disease.

Pharmacognostical Evaluation: Comparative pharmacognostical evaluation of Shankhpushpi species aimed to assist in species identification and ensure authenticity of commercial Shankhpushpi varieties, guided by the WHO and pharmacopoeia standards.

Nootropic and Anti-inflammatory Potential: EA extracts showed nootropic and anti-inflammatory potential, with the hydro-alcoholic extract demonstrating significant cognitive benefits in rat models, compared to piracetam, a known nootropic drug.

Identifying the True Source of Shankhpushpi: Comparative studies suggest Convolvulus pluricaulis as the most effective source of Shankhpushpi for cognitive enhancement, although all three plants tested showed some level of nootropic, anxiolytic, and CNS-depressant effects.

Immunomodulatory Effects: Amla and shankhpushpi extracts showed immunosuppressive effects in rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis, reducing inflammation and suggesting potential as alternative treatments for arthritis.


  1. An update on Shankhpushpi, a cognition-boosting Ayurvedic medicine
  2. Evolvulus alsinoides (Convolvulaceae): an American herb in the Old World
  3. Secondary metabolite credentials of Evolvulus alsinoides by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC)
  4. Adaptogenic and anti-amnesic properties of Evolvulus alsinoides in rodents
  5. Usage trends for memory and vitality-enhancing medicines: A pharmacoepidemiological study involving pharmacists of the Gujarat region
  6. Phyto - chemistry and pharmacology of shankapushpi - four varieties
  7. Investigation of the possible role of Shankapushpi in the attenuation of ECT induced amnestic deficits
  8. Evaluation of natural substances from Evolvulus alsinoides L. with the purpose of determining their antioxidant potency
  9. Anti-stress constituents of Evolvulus alsinoides: an ayurvedic crude drug
  10. Evolvosides C–E, flavonol-4'-O-triglycosides from evolvulus alsinoides and their anti-stress activity [corrected]
  11. Antioxidant flavonoid glycosides from Evolvulus alsinoides
  12. [Plant metabolites as nootropics and cognitives]
  13. Spectrofluorimetric Estimation of Scopoletin in Evolvulus alsinoides Linn. and Convulvulus pluricaulis Choisy
  14. Comparative pharmacognostical investigation on four ethanobotanicals traditionally used as Shankhpushpi in India
  15. Amelioration of intracerebroventricular streptozotocin induced cognitive impairment by Evolvulus alsinoides in rats: in vitro and in vivo evidence
  16. Screening of Indian medicinal plants for acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity
  17. Effect of Evolvulus alsinoides Linn. on learning behavior and memory enhancement activity in rodents
  18. Nootropic, anxiolytic and CNS-depressant studies on different plant sources of shankhpushpi
  19. Immunomodulatory effects of agents of plant origin

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